Tuesday, December 31, 2013

{31 Before 32} Introduction

Since it is New Year's Eve, it seems the perfect time to talk about a little tradition I have every year.  I'm not much one for resolutions, per se, but I do love setting goals for myself each year and challenging myself in little ways.  I like to focus not on the calendar year, but on the year between my birthdays.  Each year, I create a list of the things I want to do before my next birthday.  Since my next birthday I'll be 32, the list is "The 31 things to do before I turn 32" list.  Last year it was "The 30 things to do before 31" list, and so on.  I thought it would be fun to chronicle my experiences this year as I try to complete my goals, and to talk a little about each goal, why I chose it, and how I completed it.  For this first entry, I'll share my list and a little about how I came up with my list.

As you can see from the list, none of the things I want to do are in any way earth shattering.  They each have a purpose in their simplicity, however, that adds to my life.  I want to make sure I take the time to appreciate the people in my life, like my baby E, my husband, my family, and my friends.  Doing things like a supper club (#24), hosting a party (#18), and being a bridesmaid (#13) are ways to celebrate my friends and spend more time with them.  Taking a break from social media (#20), making time for date nights (#23), and going on trips (#25) are ways to spend more quality time with my family.  It is also important to me that I never get stagnant in my life, and so I like to do things like learn new skills (#9), visit new places (#3 & #4), and read lots of books (#6).  While each goal is, in itself, easy to accomplish, all together they will hopefully create a memorable year and lots of great memories.

Look for updates on my progress throughout the year!  

Here's to a great year, everyone! May you accomplish all you wish to in 2014. :)

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